Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Vista Released Today

I said yesterday that unless your PC is new or a few months old I would not recommend upgrading. Let Microsoft iron the kinks out of it first.

If I buy a new PC in the future I will ask for XP Pro instead of Vista. XP take less memory and works just fine. I was always the first one to get on Microsoft's band wagon when they had a new OS coming out, but not this time. I will stick with XP as long as I can.

Have a nice day.

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Monday, January 29, 2007

Vista in the News

Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic UPGRADE [DVD]

Vista comes out tomorrow. Unless you have a new PC with 1 GB of RAM stay away from it. Your machine should have a vista sticker compatible on it if you bought it within the last few months. Older machines its not worth the hassle plus your machine will run slowly. Vista is a memory hog so I recommend staying away from it.

If you must run Vista than make sure you can. Frankly, Windows XP is good enough for most machines.

Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic UPGRADE [DVD]

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Sunday, January 28, 2007

PC Annoyances

PC Hardware Annoyances: How to Fix the Most Annoying Things about Your Computer Hardware (Annoyances)

PC Hardware Annoyances: How to Fix the Most Annoying Things about Your Computer Hardware (Annoyances)

The other was for spanish users this one is in english and helps with those PC annoyances.

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Another Computer Tips book to make your life easier

Maldita PC!

Maldita PC!

Here is a book to help you solve PC problems. Sometimes you need extra help and this helps you. If you have enjoyed my computer tips than you will like this product. Most of the info on this blog is free. However, if something is out there that will make your computing easier I will tell you about it on this blog. Everything here is useful or I would not recommend it. (Spanish Version)


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