Friday, January 5, 2007

The best upgrade for older PC's

So your PC is older than 2 years. Whats the best thing you can do to extend its usefulness? Answer is to upgrade your RAM. The first thing you want to do is check your PC manufacturers spec's on your model and configuration. It will tell you what your motherboard can support as far as RAM and how much. Older PC's maximum RAM can usually range from 512MB to 1GB. If it falls below 512MB to 256MB don't even bother you need a new PC. 256MB is even too low to run XP effectively. It will run it but it will be slow. RAM is normally not very expensive for 256 or 512 chips depending what your PC needs to bring it to maximum. This won't be a good gaming machine but it will run most applications you are currently using now. You won't see much speed increase but you will see a performance increase. Thats the important part your looking for. It allows your PC to use more resources. With Windows this is always a good thing.

As always I hope this info helps you. Until next time have a good day.


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