Sunday, January 14, 2007

Computer Tip for most everyone?

If you do not listen to music, work with images, play games or use your computer to watch other media than this tip is not for you. When you buy a PC do not buy computers with on board video and sound. What that means is the sound and video are built-in on the motherboard and do not use an expanded card for sound or video. If you listen to music or any of the other things I mentioned you won't get the best from your PC with on board sound or video. The music won't be rich or the video do your games or pictures justice. It does matter what sound card and speakers you use to get the most out of your media you enjoy. Same goes for the video card. Some games won't even play with on board video. Cheap computers you buy at outlets are nothing more than below average PC's that run applications and do your taxes just fine but as media PC's they just don't measure up. Not to say you can't use those PC's for that but you will be frustrated with its limitations. You will spend a little more for a better PC or have one built for less but either way if you want to enjoy your songs, pictures, games, etc. than get a PC that can handle it.

As always if I hope this info is useful to you. Until next time have a nice day.


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